The experimental photographer/littoral artist
James W. Bailey is pleased to introduce Temporary Anti-Public Art Project (TA-PAP ™).
TA-PAP™ is a Littoral Art Project that attempts to reposition found objects as temporary sculptural creations in an environment that is extremely hostile to the public.
Project Location: Dulles Toll Road Interchange at Hunter Mill Road in Reston, Virginia.
Project Description: This Temporary Anti-Public Art Project (TA-PAP ™) consists of concept development for aesthetic improvements at the interchange of Hunter Mill Road (Route 674) and the Dulles Toll Road (Route 267) in Reston, Virginia. The project involved the relocation of cut tree limbs and arrangement of same in the form of a sculpture for temporary placement at the above location underneath the overpass.
Funding Considerations: The project is funded completely by the artist James W. Bailey. The total fully audited costs for design, development and construction of this project are $11.23. 87% of the project costs were expended for gas, food and drink for project assistants.
Project Timeline: Notice to Proceed was issued by James W. Bailey to the project assistants at 11:30 pm on July 09, 2005. The project was completed on time and on budget by 1:30 am, July 10, 2005. The project will remain available for anti-public viewing until removed by the Virginia Department of Transportation.
TA-PAP ™ Core Mission and Philosophy: TA-PAP ™ seeks to render unsuitably hostile anti-public environments as principal territory for aesthetic improvement. TA-PAP ™ intentionally bypasses the conventional public art context and practice of artist created/government sanctioned collaboratively approved taxpayer financed public art projects by asserting art in the anti-public sphere with no government approval or funding. TA-PAP ™ encourages viewers to risk their comfortable public art viewing patterns by stepping into hostile aesthetic terrain. TA-PAP ™ is inspired by the dearth of public art in the anti-public suburban space. Phase 1 of TA-PAP ™ is designed, planned and engineered to create and manifest art in the hostile anti-public bleak aesthetic suburban realm of Northern Virginia.
How Can I View a TA-PAP ™ Sculpture?
Upon completion of a TA-PAP ™ sculpture, viewers will be provided with the location of the art object in question on the TA-PAP ™ web site.
All TA-PAP ™ sculptures are intended for temporary display (for the most part they will be constructed on space that is anti-public by definition of being difficult, hazardous or dangerous for public access).
Interested viewers of the TA-PAP ™ sculptures will be encouraged to visit the disclosed sites ASAP prior removal by regulatory agencies and/or authorities that have legal jurisdiction over the space where the sculptures have been constructed.
All completed TA-PAP ™ sculptures will be photographed for archival purposes.
James W. Bailey
Force Majeure Studios
11196 Silentwood Lane
Reston, Va 20191
Cell Phone: 504-669-8650
jameswbailey@comcast.netArtist URL:
http://jameswbailey.artroof.comTA-PAP ™ URL: